Thursday, December 25, 2008

My Navy family

It's Christmas, I missed my family a lot today. Mom sent me presents and a stalking of goodies, thank you mom. Dad put together a compilation of digital pictures and put them on a digital picture frame. All I had to do was plug it in a poof, pictures; thank you dad. I also saw the pictures and videos of sledding today, I wish I was where for that. But the part that is worth blogging about today is that I met my Navy family.

Today I went to church for the morning mass. As we were filing out a 40s year old woman and her 20s year old son approached me. They noticed I was sitting alone and asked if I had anywhere to go for Christmas. I said no, so she invited me to join her family for Christmas dinner. I went over to their house and had a great dinner. It taste as good as my mom's food and is much better than spaghetti with prego sauce out of a jar.

We talked about the military, apparently most of their family has retired from the military or had military experience. We talked about culture differences. I told them they had an accent. They told me I needed to go to a waffle house and have some grits ha ha. Their family was so pleasant, it felt casual and had a great time.

The most humbling moment was when the mom (Tracey) asked me where my family was, I said "Washington state. I'm really bummed I couldn't be with them." She smiled and said "Well you're with your Navy family. I can be your mom today." I felt so warm and blessed, I was smiling and didn't even notice until my cheeks hurt. I had to stop myself from smiling because I'm sure I looked like an idiot ha ha. Tonight I got some true southern hospitality. The Navy does take care of it's own.

Time for sleep, I have the watch in seven hours. Merry Christmas everyone =D


  1. Good to know that things are working themselves out down there. I'll trz to call on New Years, but who knows. At any rate, feel free to call or write anytime, I know the feeling.

  2. keep it coming, nice to hear how your doing.


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