The first paragraph below is a post I typed when I finished primary then got too busy to finish or post ha ha ha.
This is going to be fast because I have no time which is becoming more of a normalcy. I just graduated Primary aka phase III (mediocre applause). It felt great but was short lived. I finished on Wednesday (September 30th) and was picked up for “tailhook” (platforms on an aircraft carrier) on Monday (October 5th). Possible aircraft I can fly now are: E/A-6B, E/A-18G, E-2 and F/A-18F. I had class that Monday afternoon and have my first simulator tomorrow (October 8th).
Now for the update, I just graduated Intermediate (December 11th). It was quite the kick in the pants. I did my best (as always) and scored only slightly above average (as usual ha ha). Apparently I’m doing better than my grades or I think. I dazzled an instructor so much that after our flight debrief he went to the CO (commanding officer) where I overheard him say “Hey sir how are you…..I just flew with Ensign Raymond, sharp kid…” I was too far down the hall to hear more and I didn’t stick around to eaves drop because I felt it would be rude. But you get the gist.
It is now between me and my friend Josh for strike advanced training here at Pensacola. The other guy will move to Virginia and train on the E-2. Neither of us wants E-2, so it’ll be decided by our scores. I really don’t want to move away now that I’m comfortable, I have a roommate from back at U of I NROTC (University of Idaho Naval Reserve Officer Training), I’ll have to stop my RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation Adults) at my church, I’ll have to see if another church will let me cantor and to top it all I’ll be about two more hours away from Kim. I haven’t looked at all the cons at one time until just now, seems kind of like a bummer ha ha ha. I knew this could happen when I signed the dotted line; I still have no regrets.
Article I in the code of conduct
“I am an American fighting in the armed forces which guard my country and our way of life, I am prepared to give my life in their defense.”
I’m ok with moving to Virginia ha ha.
Lastly, again I’m sorry I fall behind these posts. If you’re reading this you’re probably a good friend; considering how often I think about home and my friends/family there, I’m probably thinking about you, I miss you and I hope I see you soon.
Until then: good morning, good afternoon and good evening