Monday, November 29, 2010


Quick update, I've been selected to fly the F/A-18F out of LeMoore, CA. I'm pretty excited to move back to the West coast and be closer to family/friends. Also, I'm excited to be back on the West coast for the coffee and the West coast people.

I have three flights left until I get my wings/dream. I'm really excited, hopefully I'll finish those flights this week.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Standing watch

I should update you on what’s been going on. I thought I was going E-2s for sure, turns out I got selected for strike ha ha ha, who knew? I have a new title; I’m now an SWSO (Student Weapons Systems Officer) we call ourselves “wizzos”. To me it kind of sounds like some kind of slang for wizard, like we’re in harry potter or something ha ha ha.

VT-86 (the advanced strike training squadron) is a bit faster pace than primary and intermediate. The instructors have a higher standard but also seem to be more concerned with training me rather than putting unnecessary work on my plate to try and make me wash out; although there is still some of that too ha ha ha. I’m worried I’m not going to make it, mostly because I don’t want to let anyone down. I'm doing my best. Seems like the harder I work, the worse things get with Kim ha ha ha. I'm starting to see how military relationships don't work out so well. Kim really is something special to have stayed on board this long.

Right now I’m standing watch at the VT-86 duty desk. I have the mid-watch from 1730-0530 and am a bit tired but it’s nothing compared to what the boots on the ground are doing right now over seas. I forget about that sometimes and feel bad about complaining. Not much else interesting to update, oh wait I forgot. Two weeks ago I went to California for my G tolerance testing. It was an interesting experience. If you want to see the videos you can check out my facebook profile or watch it on my dad’s youtube account “6trickraymonds”. Any way, I’m going back to my systems and emergency procedures.

I have the watch

Good night and good morning

ENS Raymond, SWSO (Student Weapons Systems Officer)